Edie Howard B.A., M.S.
Founder / Employment Specialist
My mother was a special education teacher, and my daughter was born with Down syndrome. Working with special needs has not only been part of my life, it has shaped my life. As an Employment Specialist, I work daily to help individuals with disabilities overcome barriers to employment. It is my calling. It is my passion. I bring 20 years of business-to-business sales experience and 3+ years of disability employment training to launch KC Special Recruits.
On a personal note, I would like you to meet my daughter, my pride and joy, Jaclynn Pickens. She is now twenty-two and enjoys attending CONNECT at Johnson County Community College while working part-time at Hen House as a Grocery Clerk. She acquired her Hen House position through Pre-Employment Transition Services with the help of Mom. We are both tremendously thankful for the assistance provided through Pre-ETS and for her teammates at Hen House.